Asbestos Surveys

The different types of Asbestos Surveys

There are different types of asbestos surveys, each suitable for different situations, and it is critically important that you choose the right one. The three main types of surveys are management surveys, pre-demolition surveys and pre-refurbishment surveys.

Surveys can be carried out by someone in-house or a third party, but the surveyor must have a competent understanding to carry out the survey to the right standard. If done inadequately the consequences can be disastrous.

Management Surveys

A Management Survey is the foundation of any asbestos management plan. It is essential for identifying and managing asbestos in a building during its regular occupation and use. This type of survey is crucial for maintaining the continued management of asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) and ensuring that any asbestos within the premises is properly identified and monitored. It covers areas that may be accessible during normal occupancy, basic maintenance, and installation work, making it a vital part of any property’s safety protocol.

Legal Requirements

Under the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012, it is a legal requirement for all non-residential properties to have an asbestos management plan in place. This has been mandatory since 2004 and is essential for protecting the health and safety of workers, particularly those involved in maintenance work. Failing to comply with these regulations can result in significant legal and financial consequences.

If your property does not yet have an asbestos management plan, it is crucial to act now. SCH Environmental Surveys on 01946395075 to arrange your asbestos management survey and ensure your building is fully compliant.

Pre-Demolition Surveys

A Pre-Demolition Asbestos Survey is a critical part of any demolition project, ensuring that all asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) are identified and safely removed before any demolition work begins. Previously known as a Type 3 asbestos survey under the old MDHS100 Guidance, this survey is fully intrusive, using destructive techniques to thoroughly inspect the building’s structure for asbestos.

A Pre-Demolition Asbestos Survey is specifically designed for buildings slated for demolition. This survey involves accessing all parts of the building, including areas that are usually hidden or difficult to reach, such as wall cavities, flooring, and structural components. By using destructive methods, the survey ensures that no asbestos-containing materials are overlooked, making it a vital part of the preparation for a safe demolition process.

Legal Requirements

The Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 requires that asbestos be properly managed and safely removed before demolition or major refurbishment. A Pre-Demolition Asbestos Survey is a legal necessity, ensuring that the demolition process is safe, compliant, and does not expose workers or the environment to asbestos risks.

If you are planning a demolition, it is crucial to have this survey completed to avoid delays, legal complications, and health hazards. SCH Environmental has extensive experience conducting asbestos surveys for all types of demolition projects, ensuring thorough and accurate results.

 Pre-Refurbishment Surveys

A Pre-Refurbishment Asbestos Survey is essential before beginning any building refurbishment project. Whether you’re undertaking minor redecoration or a full-scale renovation, this type of asbestos survey is critical to identifying any asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) that may be disturbed during the refurbishment process. Depending on the scope of the project, an intrusive inspection may be required to ensure all potential asbestos hazards are uncovered.

A Pre-Refurbishment Asbestos Survey is a fully intrusive inspection that focuses on the areas affected by the planned refurbishment. The survey is designed to thoroughly investigate all materials and structures that may be disturbed during the renovation work. It is more in-depth than a management survey, specifically targeting areas that could be impacted by construction activities.

This survey helps to locate and identify asbestos-containing materials within the building so that they can be removed or treated before the refurbishment work begins. By doing so, it ensures the safety of workers and compliance with asbestos regulations.

Planning and Safety

A Pre-Refurbishment Asbestos Survey should be carried out alongside a project-specific plan of work to ensure that all areas impacted by the renovation are adequately covered. Once the asbestos-containing materials have been identified, they can be safely removed by a licensed asbestos contractor prior to the start of refurbishment. This ensures that the refurbishment project can proceed without the risk of asbestos exposure.

Re-Inspection Surveys

An Asbestos Re-Inspection Survey (also known as an annual asbestos re-inspection) is crucial for monitoring the condition of previously identified asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) within a building. Over time, asbestos materials can degrade, increasing the risk of exposure to hazardous fibres. Regular re-inspections help ensure that any ACMs remain safe and do not pose a health risk to building occupants or workers.

A Re-Inspection Asbestos Survey allows the duty holder or a competent person to assess the condition of previously identified asbestos materials. This survey helps track any changes in the material, such as damage or deterioration, which could increase the risk of asbestos fibres becoming airborne and dangerous.

If deterioration is detected, our team can guide you in selecting the next steps to ensure the safe management or removal of the asbestos-containing materials, helping you maintain compliance with legal regulations.

Ensuring Compliance and Safety

During the Re-Inspection Survey, our team will refer to the existing asbestos survey or asbestos register to locate all previously identified asbestos-containing materials. We will reassess their condition and, if needed, recommend necessary actions to manage any risks.

If your ACMs are found to be unsafe due to deterioration, we can help you develop a plan for safe removal or treatment, ensuring compliance with all asbestos regulations and protecting the health of those in the building.


When is a Management Survey Required?

You may need an Asbestos Management Survey not only for ongoing building management but also prior to the lease or sale of a property. Whether your building is residential, commercial, or industrial, SCH Environmental Surveys has extensive experience conducting asbestos surveys across all property types. Our team is dedicated to delivering accurate results to keep you, your employees, and your property safe.

Why is a Pre-Refurbishment Survey Necessary?

Under the Construction Design and Management (CDM) Regulations 2015, a Pre-Refurbishment Asbestos Survey is required by your CDM coordinator before any renovation work can commence. This survey ensures that all areas planned for refurbishment are properly assessed, and any asbestos-containing materials are identified and addressed.

Why Do You Need a Pre-Demolition Survey?

It is essential to conduct a pre-demolition asbestos survey before any demolition work begins. This type of survey ensures that any ACMs are identified and safely removed by licensed asbestos removal contractors before the demolition proceeds. The survey protects workers and the surrounding environment from the serious health risks posed by disturbed asbestos fibres during the demolition process.

A Management Survey will not provide sufficient detail for demolition or major refurbishment projects, as it only covers accessible areas and does not involve intrusive inspection. Therefore, if you are planning a demolition, a Pre-Demolition Asbestos Survey is necessary to comply with legal requirements and to safeguard everyone involved in the project.

Why is a Pre-Refurbishment Survey Necessary?

Under the Construction Design and Management (CDM) Regulations 2015, a Pre-Refurbishment Asbestos Survey is required by your CDM coordinator before any renovation work can commence. This survey ensures that all areas planned for refurbishment are properly assessed, and any asbestos-containing materials are identified and addressed.

This prevents the accidental disturbance of asbestos, which could release hazardous fibres into the air and pose serious health risks to workers and building occupants.

Why is Re-Inspection Important?

Like any building material, asbestos-containing materials can degrade over time due to environmental factors or physical damage. As ACMs deteriorate, they become more likely to release hazardous fibres into the air, posing a significant health risk.

To prevent this, asbestos should be inspected at regular intervals, typically annually, to ensure that its condition has not worsened. This is a critical part of maintaining your asbestos management plan and complying with Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012.